Michael Coughlin

Michael Coughlin

Meet Michael Coughlin, a Marine Corps veteran with extensive knowledge and experience in training dogs and dedicated to using his expertise to impact the world positively.

After graduating from Arcadia high school, Michael enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. For six years, he served as a non-commissioned officer, learning the importance of responsibility, loyalty, and hard work.

He found his passion in training dogs at Integrity K9 services, where he witnessed firsthand their abilities to assist people and change lives. Michael was amazed at how these incredible animals could make people feel safe just by being present. That led him to explore new ways these dogs could be used to keep the public safe and carry out missions in various environments. Michael has explored different fields and opportunities to expand his knowledge and experience in the canine industry. He's become a true expert in working dogs and continues to work with Integrity K9 services and Kids Best Friends as a dog trainer and consultant. Michael is driven to educate others on how dogs can provide comfort, assistance, protection, and even lifesaving services through proper training.

In his free time, Michael enjoys writing and playing music with his band Buddyculture, general aviation, and spending time with his loved ones and furry companions.

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